Photo: Flickr

Scientists currently estimate that sea levels could rise more than six feet by the year 2100. If that comes true, American homes worth nearly $900 billion could be underwater. Not just in the financial sense.

A new report from Zillow estimates that with a six-foot sea level rise, “almost 1.9 million homes (or roughly 2 percent of all U.S. homes) – worth a combined $882 billion – are at risk of being underwater by 2100.” That is the current value of those homes—by the end of the century, the number will be much higher.

And that risk is not evenly distributed. The state of Florida is by far the most at-risk, with a full 1/8th of the state’s homes potentially ending up as scuba sites. In this estimate, Florida alone accounts for more than $400 billion in home value at risk. Furthermore, the city of Miami Beach has more home value at risk than any other city in America.

Either stop denying climate change or stop building, buying, and insuring beachfront homes, but not both!