The daring rescue of a man trapped inside a burning apartment in Washington Heights was caught on camera by nearby residents who marveled at the superheroism of their fearless neighbor.

Left with few options, and with thick smoke pouring out of his apartment window, the unidentified tenant of the 172nd St. residence "appeared desperate enough to jump," witnesses told NBC New York.

A ladder brought out by the building's superintendent proved of little use, as it seemed too unstable to support the man's escape.

That's when a neighbor who had been monitoring the situation decided to spring into action: Walking along the same ladder across a gap between the fire escape and the man's window, our hero was able to pull the man down, and help him back across to safety (starts around the 2-minute mark).

"They saved his life," said witness Freddy Morales.

The brave neighbor declined to speak publicly, saying he does not feel like a hero.

The video evidence clearly suggests otherwise.

[H/T: Gothamist]