Police say that two former Navy SEALs whose lifeless bodies were discovered on the Maersk Alabama earlier this year died after a night of partying, drinking, and taking heroin.

Authorities say Jeffrey Reynolds and Mark Kennedy were former Navy SEALs who began working as armed guards on the infamous Captain Phillips ship after joining up with the Trident Group, a private maritime security firm.

The men, who had recently passed the company's mandatory drug test, spent their last night partying in Seychelles.

The two... later visited two casinos, playing blackjack and drinking vodka and tequila with sailors from New Zealand. When the second casino shut its doors at 3 a.m., surveillance images show that the pair bumped into two women and departed with them down a dark corridor.

Investigators later found pills, syringes, and a brown powder that tested positive for heroin in the men's cabin.

Despite a long history of pirate attacks on the Maersk Alabama, according to the Times, the men told their friends that boredom was their biggest enemy out at sea.

[image via AP]