The Montana Supreme Court has ordered a resentencing for the former high school teacher who served just one month after being convicted of raping a 14-year-old student. The rapist, who has been free since last fall, will receive a new sentence from a different judge in accordance with the state's sentencing guidelines.

Although ex-teacher Stacey Dean Rambold was found to have had three sexual encounters with an underage student (who later committed suicide), District Judge G. Todd Baugh reduced Rambold's sentence by blaming the victim.

In the original sentencing last August, Judge Baugh said the 14-year-old girl was "as much in control of the situation" as her adult rapist, and declared her "older than her chronological age."

Baugh also downplayed the fact that Rambold had been kicked out of a sex offender treatment program for missing meetings. Baugh later apologized for his comments about the victim, but said he stood by his sentence.

The Montana Supreme Court cited Baugh's actions in ordering the resentencing Wednesday, and ordered a new sentencing hearing with a different judge presiding. A separate disciplinary complaint against Baugh is still pending.

Prosecutors originally wanted Rambold to serve at least 10 years. Montana's states guidelines call for a 4 year minimum.

[Photo: AP Images]