EXCLUSIVE PHOTO: Ivanka Trump's Shoes Definitely Made in China

Donald Trump, who once claimed to have ended his partnership with Macy’s over the fact that his “shirts and ties were made in China,” is in for a rude awakening as far as his daughter’s own fashion line is concerned. Exclusive photos shared with Gawker confirm that Ivanka Trump, the smokin’ hot apple of her father’s eye, is in fact part of the problem.
The photograph below was snapped by tipster Mike Twombly at Bloomingdales on 59th St. in New York. Look closely—can you spot the daughter’s betrayal of everything her father stands for?

How about now?

Do you see it now?

There it is.

Trump has acknowledged that some of his own products are made overseas, despite his continued insistence that other companies stay within American borders, telling ABC News that “the answer is very simple: Because of the fact that China so manipulates their currency it makes it almost impossible for American companies to compete.”
Trump also, however, admitted during CPAC that “[American] companies make a better product, that’s very important to know. We make a better product.”
Why is Ivanka Trump settling selling an inferior product, according to her own father? And how will this affect Donald Trump’s insatiable lust for his own daughter? We’ve reached out to Trump’s campaign for comment, but since they have yet to answer even one of our inquiries ever—it would seem that some questions are destined to be left unanswered.