F Train Subway Smacker Speaks: "I Love This Jacket!"

Twenty-five-year-old Jorge Peña rose to internet infamy this week after video of him slapping a woman on the F train last weekend was uploaded to YouTube. He was cleared of misdemeanor assault and disorderly conduct charges, but in a new interview with the New York Post, Peña defends...his jacket.
In the video, Danay Howard, 21, can be seen trash-talking Peña's jacket. "You got a wack 8-ball jacket that came out in 1990," Howard yells. "Get your money game up." This argument led to Howard hitting Peña with her purse, and Peña returning the favor with a smack to the face, setting off an all-out brawl inside the train car. "I never slapped anyone before. Especially a girl," Peña told the Post. "But when I saw that blood, I couldn't take it. She attacked me like a man."
But Peña is adamant that his jacket is "actually highly fashionable right now" because it was "worn by the rapper T.I. in a recent music video." Well then!
"I love this jacket," Peña told the tabloid. "But I don't think I can wear it anymore. People will just know me because of it and what happened."