The family of James DiMaggio, the man accused of kidnapping teenager Hannah Anderson and killing her mother and brother, is requesting DNA samples from Anderson's family. They say that they want to check if DiMaggio is the biological father of Hannah and the eight-year-old Ethan.

"We are going to be requesting from the Anderson family that we try to get DNA samples from Hannah. And if they have anything left from Ethan, that we get a DNA sample," family spokesman for the DiMaggio's, Andrew Spanswick, told CNN affiliate KGTV. "There has been a lot of rumors that Jim might be the father of either or both children."

Hannah Anderson was recovered after a week-long manhunt on August 10 from DiMaggio's home in Idaho, where he was killed by the police. Hannah's mother and her 8-year-old brother were found burned in DiMaggio's home in California.

The 40-year-old DiMaggio had left a life insurance policy to Hannah and Ethan's grandmother, Bernice Anderson, for an amount estimated at over $100,000. "We find it very strange that he has left all this money without any explanation," Spanswick told KGTV, "It states specifically that he didn't want to give it to either parent cause he didn't trust them."

Update: A representative for the Andersons just talked CNN to dispute the DiMaggio family's theory: "Brett and Tina Anderson did not meet Mr. DiMaggio until the sixth month of Tina's pregnancy with Hannah. Brett Anderson's DNA was used to identify the body of his dead son Ethan Anderson."

[image of Hannah Anderson's father Brett, via AP]