A wedding hall operator in Japan forked over $5,400 for a bunch of 30 Ruby Roman grapes, which are apparently the most expensive grapes in the world. These grapes, the wedding hall says, will be served to couples who have their weddings at the venue in Kanazawa. It is unclear if couples would be allowed to eat the grapes of if they will just be permitted to look at them.

From Agence France-Presse:

The bunch of around 30 grapes weighed some 800 grams (28 ounces), and individual grapes can reach 3 centimeters (1.2 inches) in diameter, according to public broadcaster NHK.

The top notch grapes — costing around $180 a pop — will be served at the wedding hall in the central city of Kanazawa, in Ishikawa.

"I was surprised to see a higher price than I had originally imagined, but I would like bridal couples to savor them and have a great memory," the hall owner told NHK.

But do they even taste good?

"They're delicious—sweet but fresh at the same time, very well balanced," Japanese agricultural official Hirofumi Isu told the Associated Press in 2008.

So, maybe?

[Image via Japan Times]