New York City’s last mayor was a hawk-faced billionaire. Our current mayor, Bill “de” Blasio, is supposed to be a populist by comparison. Still, the process of riding the sub-way is enough to confound and mystify our city’s leader.

De Blasio, who resides in Gracie Mansion on the Upper East Side and is typically ferried around the city in a black SUV, as mayors are, has recently taken to ostentatiously riding the subway in order to demonstrate the fact that Yes, Your Mayor Is a Supporter of the Public Transit System.

Now he’s had a major Subway Fail!!!!

There are two distinct and justified reasons to make fun of Bill de Blasio this morning. The first is that he accidentally CCed a New York Times reporter on an email to staffers yesterday, resulting in the newspaper story which we are now mining for material for this blog post. The second is the content of that email: De Blasio was griping to aides about the fact that his SUV dropped him off at a Brooklyn subway station so he could ostentatiously ride the subway to a speaking engagement in Manhattan, and then the train didn’t come, and by the time he knew the train wasn’t coming soon, his SUV had driven away! Ugh! Typical New York City madness!!!

“We waited 20 mins for an express only to hear there were major delays,” Mr. de Blasio wrote. “This was knowable info. Had we had it, we would have avoided a lot of hassles.”

He urged his team to coordinate future travels with the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, “or at least with nypd transit.”

“Let’s cross-check our info with them when I take the subway,” Mr. de Blasio wrote, before concluding: “This is a fixable prob.”

Mayor De Blasio, we fully support your plan to coordinate each and every subway ride with the central leadership of the MTA, as long as this plan applies to all 5.6 million daily subway rides in New York City. I hope that the MTA has the coffee brewing.

Try taking the C train one day motherfucker!

[Photo: AP]