The Pittsburgh-area Vale Wood Farms got a special delivery just in time for Steelers Sunday this weekend: A brand new baby calf...with a "7" marked on its face! Farm owner Carissa Itle-Westrick named the lucky calf after Pittsburgh's other famous "7"—accused rapist Ben Roethlisberger.

"We had this calf that has a very striking #7 on its forehead, so of course living here in Steelers nation our favorite #7 is Big Ben," Itle-Westrick told WJAC-TV, referring to Roethlisberger, who was accused of raping a college student in a nightclub bathroom in Georgia in 2010. "So we named our calf Baby Ben."

"Each cow's markings are like fingerprints, so no two cows have the same spots, but you can see in this line, we don't have any other number 7s," Itle-Westrick said. The responding officer never formally questioned Roethlisberger and called Roethlisberger's accuser a "bitch." The D.A. declined to file charges. A photo of Baby Ben has gotten over 10,000 likes on Facebook this week.

Itle-Westrick says she does not think the real Big Ben, whose accuser has not recanted, would mind passing down his name or number. "You know, Baby Ben is awfully cute, so hopefully Big Ben won't mind sharing his namesake."

Go Stillers!

[Photo via WAJC-TV]