[There was a video here]

Last week, reality star, sex-tape maker, singer (or whatever ), and the subject of the most-viewed post in the history of Gawker (NSFW...of course), Farrah Abraham stopped by our offices to promote her foray into erotic fiction, the roman à clef Celebrity Sex Tape: In the Making. Alongside my friend and old Pot Psychology partner, Jezebel's Tracie Egan Morrissey, we had a discussion about sex, slut-shaming, celebrity, and writing for about 30 minutes. Eight of those are in the video above.

Farrah's a staunch character. She's opinionated and at times defensive, but also savvier than people give her credit for. (She also, at one point, couldn't tell me what a line in her book meant, so let's not give her all the credit.) She has long maintained that her sex tape leaked accidentally, but the sex tape of her novel's protagonist, Fallon Opal, is leaked on purpose. Abraham has been accused of orchestrating the release of her sex tape all along, and so in its weird way, this book is sort of like her If I Did It.

On that she told us:

I know there is gossip and drama around me, but this is Fallon Opal's story. I'm kind of happy that there's this, "Farrah lies," and all this other stuff to make people even question more, like, "Am I gonna read more of what Farrah really does or is this really Fallon Opal?"

I like that she's playing with her public persona so openly. That's what I'd do, too. At the end of the interview (not included in the video above), I told her that she's a hustler. She agreed.

Below is a handy chart of topics discussed in the video above, so you can jump around at your leisure:

0:07 - Farrah says being the subject of the No. 1 post in Gawker history makes her happy.

0:40 - Farrah: "I mean, I am who I am, you guys are who you are. I mean, you write. Good for you."

2:02 - Farrah: "I'm just pretty proud of myself."

2:03 - A discussion on slut-shaming.

3:26 - Farrah says she wrote her book all by herself.

3:36 - I ask Farrah about her writing process. She tells me, "I guess I'm a passionate person." She also says she looked up "weird words," possibly even "slut-shaming," although if she did, she's since forgotten it.

4:00 - I ask her about her writing process again.

4:40 - Farrah reveals she does not "play favorites" thus she does not have a favorite author, but she did like Helen Keller's memoir. Also, she can relate to Helen Keller "maybe."

5:13 - I ask Farrah if she's a narcissist. "No..." she says, her voice far off because she's looking at pictures of herself.

5:30 - "She's confident," offers Patricia Robb Marks off camera. Marks is the CEO of Ellora's Cave (or "The SHE-E-O" as she's called at headquarters), which published In the Making. She accompanied Farrah to the interview. "I'm confident," confirms Farrah.

5:33 - Farrah says she's a feminist.

6:30 - Farrah can't tell me what "Fame is a double-edged sword that thinks it's a curling iron" means, even though it's in her book.

7:09 - Patricia Robb Marks explains what the line means.

8:07 - Farrah offers a closing zinger. Wordsmith.

[There was a video here]