Justin Ross Harris, 33, of Marietta, Ga., was supposed to drive his 22-month-old son to the on-site daycare facility at the Home Depot Headquarters in Atlanta where he works. It wasn't until his drive home seven hours later that he looked back and realized that he had forgotten his son, who was still strapped to his car seat and had been for the duration of the hot day. By then, his son had died. Police have charged Harris with murder.

Upon discovering that his son was still in the backseat of the car, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports, Harris pulled into a parking lot to attempt to resuscitate his son, to no avail. Dale Hamilton was among the witnesses to gather at the scene to try and help.

"He was lifeless, he was in the same position as if he were sitting in the carseat," Hamilton said. "It's something that I'll remember for a long time."

Another witness at the scene heard Harris say, "What have I done? What have I done? I've killed our child."

Medical personnel attempted CPR, but were unsuccessful. The child was pronounced dead at the scene.

Temperatures in the Atlanta area reached 91 degrees Wednesday, the day of the incident. According to the arrest warrant obtained by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Harris was charged with cruelty to children in the first degree.

[Image via Cobb County Police Department]