It is 2013 and people are still offended by the animated Fox TV show The Simpsons. This week, obtained an archive of indecency complaints about the Simpsons to the FCC from 2010-2013, via Freedom of Information Act request, . They are pretty amazing. (There's also an archive of South Park complaints [pdf] but people getting upset about The Simpsons is much funnier.)

Here are some of our favorites:

Tulsa, OK

Saint Maries, ID

No location given

Chicago, IL

Tulsa, OK

Huntsville, AL

Huntsville, AL

Norco, CA

Text: I was shocked to see sexual violence when a cartoon character of an Israeli girl was using her knee to repeatedly strike a boy's (Bart Simpson) groin. It is amazing we would encourage our children during family hour to do such a terrible thing. Imagine if bart was kicking the girl's groin! I implore you to protect our young kids from such psychological damage that may very wile lead to physical damage and seriously punish the guilty please.

Wilsonville, AL

Here are all the complaints:

<a href="…">FCC ComplaintsSimpsons 2008 2012 (PDF)</a> <br /> <a href="…">FCC ComplaintsSimpsons 2008 2012 (Text)</a>