When you're a logistics company, you should probably be able to get things done on time. But an uptick in online shopping this year may have been the downfall of FedEx and UPS, both of which are scrambling to deliver Christmas packages that were supposed to have arrived by Tuesday night.

Neither company will disclose how many Christmas packages were delayed, but UPS did reveal that it was expected to deliver upwards of 132 million packages in the week leading up to the holiday. When all was said and done, the company exceeded even that, although it won't reveal how drastically. A spokesperson said that only a small percentage of packages were delayed, but one percent of 132 million is still over a million late packages. It was a busy time, so you should probably have a little empathy. But you are also within your rights to yell at them to do better next year.

The companies both blame an increase in super-last-minute purchases for the delays. But to be honest, you probably shouldn't expect actual two-day shipping from Amazon Prime if you're ordering exactly two days before the biggest gifting day of the year.

Analysts also note bad weather and an extra-short shopping season as reasons for the delays, but they're doing the best they can to make up for it. Both FedEx and UPS have called in extra drivers today (and even rented U-Haul trucks) to make this Boxing Day the best one ever. Especially if you didn't get any presents yesterday.

[image via AP]