On Friday, we published a Child's Treasury of this year's most offensive Halloween costumes, pointing to popular choices like "sexy ISIS militant" and "Ray Rice." The imaginations of racist idiots, however, are not bound by trends. Our tipsters sent us even more depressingly inventive and offensive costumes this weekend, proving that there are infinite ways to wear blackface.

We predicted Friday that some fools might don Ebola hazmat suits for "laughs" this weekend. What we did not predict is that at least one tortured soul would dress up like an actual Ebola patient with fake blood pouring from her eyes.

Suicidal Mrs. Doubtfire

Beloved actor Robin Williams died on August 11. A tipster says the costume-wearer is from Northern New Jersey.

Sexy Dead Malaysian Airlines Flight Attendant

Where is...your brain?!

"Little Red Indian"

Popular Singapore fashion blogger Xiaxue dressed her baby up as, in her words, a "little red indian."

Stereotypical Native American costumes were also popular with college students.


America's white kids bring you Kanye West:

And Lil' Wayne:

And Mr. T:

"Cute" Homeless Person

Her sign says "Homeless & Thirsty."

And as we predicted, someone dressed up like alleged child abuser Adrian Peterson.

If you have photos of racist Halloween idiots from this weekend, please post them in the comments or email allie@gawker.com.

[Photos via Instagram, tips]