Fire Crew Frees Naked Woman Trapped Sneaking Down Ex-BF's Chimney

Presumably hoping to capture the Christmas spirit one last time, a tragically un-Santa-like California woman reportedly stripped nude and tried to shimmy down her estranged ex's chimney yesterday, becoming stuck in the process.
Tony Hernandez of Woodcrest, California says he awoke early Saturday morning to the cries of his ex-girlfriend, who doesn't live with him and he didn't want inside his house.
"She said, 'I'm trapped in the chimney,'" Hernandez told KCBS-TV, "so I tried to get her out from the top but it was too hard."
It eventually took firefighters two hours to rescue the unnamed 35-year-old—who reportedly "removed her clothes to aid her descent"—from the 12-inch-by-12-inch chimney.
The woman suffered only minor injuries, but according to KABC-TV, "the damage to Hernandez's chimney is expensive, and he says it will have to be rebuilt."