Firemen Have a Party and Poop on the Floor In Empty Water Park

Two firemen with the Sodus Point Volunteer Fire Department have been arrested in Old Forge, N.Y. for breaking into the Enchanted Forest Water Safari park while in town for the annual Firefighter’s Drill School. While inside the park, which had been closed for the season, the firefighters stole food and stuffed animals and then damaged arcade games and “an animated band that was more than 30 years old.” One of the men also defecated on the floor
Eric Frisbie, 29, and Jacob Williams, 26, have been charged with burglary, criminal mischief and petit larceny, but their arrest did not come easily. Frisbie’s brother, John, also a firefighter, was at a local bar with the duo when police came to question them:
“The cops walk into the bar and start asking for IDs,” John explained. “I start being a smarta**. I start saying, ‘What do you want IDs for? You can't come in here asking for ID's. We have rights. I'm going to video tape you.’ I grabbed the phone right off the table and then, I got maced.”
But he did not get maced protecting Eric and Jacob, as he had no knowledge of their romp in the Enchanted Forest:
Despite his own actions, John said he was not, in any way, trying to protect his brother or prevent him from getting arrested. In fact, had he known what Eric and Jacob were accused of doing, he says he would have turned them in himself.
Shockingly, Eric and Jacob are no longer working for the fire department and John, the incredibly stupid smartass, “is suspended from the fire department for six months pending the outcome of his case.”
But all is not lost. Eric’s girlfriend is standing by her maybe-floor-pooping boyfriend:
“Eric is a great person. He is a wonderful dad. He is a great companion. I'm very upset with what people are saying about him. They're making him look like this terrible person which he's not. Yeah, he made a mistake. He understands that. He understands the effects of what he did.”