From the Daytona Beach News-Journal comes this very strange, highly concentrated dose of pure Florida: A New Smyrna Beach woman was arrested in an alleged murder-for-hire plot against her daughter’s homeless boyfriend after he alleged gave the daughter’s children lice.

Pamela Vanorsdale, 50, allegedly called her daughter’s ex-husband last Thursday and asked him to “pop” the homeless man, 22-year-old Dylan Loveless, in the head and chest. Loveless had apparently been abusive to Vanorsdale’s grandchildren, choking and chasing them, but when the kids came home with lice, that was the last straw.

The ex told police about her alleged attempt to hire him as a hitman, but she claimed she was “only joking.” Some of the things she was only joking about allegedly included: being able to provide the prospective hitman with a gun, wanting Loveless shot “in the head and chest,” being able to clean and dispose of the gun, and wanting the body dumped in South Carolina. She also “joked” that she could lure Loveless out of his homeless camp with the promise of work.

The plot never went down, though, because Loveless left his camp and Vanorsdale called to postpone until she could find him again.

She did have the gun she mentioned, although she never gave it to her ex-son-in-law. Her husband turned it over to police.

Vanorsdale is being held on $25,000 bond.

[H/T Miami New Times, Photo: New Smyrna Beach PD]