Florida Police Sergeant Played Nude Online Sex Game While On Duty

A veteran police officer was forced to resign last week after an internal affairs investigation revealed she had used police department equipment to post nude photos of herself online as part of a virtual sex game.
Daytona Beach Police Sergeant Penny Dane reportedly confessed to investigators that she regularly spent hours playing Red Light Center — described as "a porn-themed version of Second Life" — while she was supposed to be on duty supervising officers.

Dane had initially accused a fellow officer of sexual harassment, and relinquished her police-issued desktop and laptop as part of the investigation.
A search of the hard drives revealed scores of sexual photos, including at least 23 "extremely pornographic" pics of the sergeant — several of which were taken in uniform.
Investigators concluded that Dane had been turning off her computer's built-in GPS tracker to throw the scent off her illicit on-duty activities.
Meanwhile, the sexual harassment allegations made by Dane proved to be without merit.
"It's something in my 26 years in law enforcement that I've never seen," Daytona Beach Police Chief Mike Chitwood told Local 6.
For her part, Dane, an 18-year vet, claimed she had no trouble performing her duties while playing the game, as she was adept at multitasking.