What could be more fun than sitting with a U.S. Representative at a Taylor Swift show? “Anything,” you say? Well what if I told you it would only cost a few grand?

According to The Washington Post, several members of Congress are planning to bring donors to Swift’s upcoming concert at Nationals Park. However, thrilling, legislator-approximate entertainment like this doesn’t come cheap:

At least four lawmakers have planned fundraisers at her upcoming concert, according to two invitations obtained by the Loop and two by The Sunlight Foundation. For $2,500 a pop you can enjoy the show with Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Wis.), Rep. Lois Frankel (D-Fla.) or Rep. Cheri Bustos (D-Ill.).

And fear not, Tayla-loving Red Staters: The Post reports Republican congressman Steve Stivers is also selling tickets for a (fiscally conservative) $1,500.

[Image via Getty Images//h/t Mediaite]