Former Actress Claims Bill Cosby "Masturbated With My Hand"

Another woman has come forward and accused Bill Cosby of sexually assaulting her. Angela Leslie, a former model and actress, in an interview with the New York Daily News, claims Cosby forced her to masturbate him during an ill-fated night in the comedian's Las Vegas hotel room in 1992.
"The main thing I want is for people to know him for who he really is," Leslie told the Daily News. "He's not this dad of America."
Leslie apparently first met Cosby in 1990, when she hoping to land a role in his movie Ghost Dad, sending him a letter and photo of herself. Cosby replied by inviting her to the set of The Cosby Show, and his team apparently sent Leslie two money orders, one for $700 and another $800, "with instructions from Cosby's camp to travel to California." She apparently fell ill, and declined the trip to California, but was later invited to visit Cosby at the Flamingo hotel in Las Vegas, where the comedian had his own luxury suite.
After a driver dropped her off at the hotel and she checked in, Leslie was apparently called to Cosby's room. From the Daily News:
When she spoke about her career aspirations, Cosby called for an impromptu audition.
"If you want to act, show me what you've got. Pretend you're intoxicated," she recalled he demanded.
The egotistical comedian then poured Leslie a stiff drink and told her to act like she was blasted on booze.
"I couldn't drink it," she recounted. "I tasted it and put it down. Then he asked me to go into the bathroom and wet my hair...I walked back out, and he had removed his clothing and gotten into bed."
Cosby then allegedly starting rubbing against Leslie, and poured lotion into her palm and pulled her hand underneath the covers. "With his hand on top of mine, he had me massage his penis," Leslie told the Daily News. "He masturbated with my hand. I wasn't pulling back. I was in shock."
But Leslie claims Cosby "quickly tired of her" and had her leave the his room. "I didn't drink the alcohol, and maybe since I didn't pass out, he decided to get rid of me."
After comedian Hannibal Buress called Cosby a serial rapist in a October standup set, assault accusations from the comedian's many alleged victims have unspooled at a rapid clip—just last night, two more women, including Lou Ferrigno's wife Carla, shared their stories.
“I just feel he’s been too quiet, not saying anything, not apologizing,” Leslie told the Daily News. “He’s trying to pretend these girls are lying."
[Image via AP]