Michelle Fields, the reporter who left Breitbart after her colleagues openly attacked her account of being manhandled by Donald Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, has been hired by The Huffington Post, The Hill reports.

“After the tumultuous events of the last few months, I am ready to get back to writing and reporting on what is without question the most bizarrely fascinating presidential race of my lifetime (and, perhaps, any lifetime),” said Fields in a statement to CNN.

Starting Monday, Fields will once again cover this year’s election, with a special emphasis on Donald Trump and the GOP. Now, however, she’ll be doing it for the famously liberal website after years spent working for conservative outlets like Breitbart and The Daily Caller.

In April, Fields left Breitbart after the site advanced various alternate explanations of the Lewandowski incident over those given by their own reporter in a criminal complaint. “I can’t stand with an organization that won’t stand by me,” wrote Fields on Twitter at the time.

Ultimately, authorities declined to prosecute Lewandowski, but he too may soon be looking for new job. See if Hillary is hiring, maybe?