Photo: AP

A Brooklyn teacher has been placed on administrative duty after buying a bunch of copies of Frankenstein and selling them at discount prices to his students, whose hearts are the only thing he says he touched.

Todd Friedman, who the New York Post reports is an award-winning 29-year veteran of the public school system, bought 102 copies of the book and sold them to his Midwood High School AP English students for about $2 a piece, which he says helped him recoup some but not all of the purchase price. In return, the school suspended him from his job, citing a regulation prohibiting the Department of Education from charging students for materials.

“I was providing a service to the students. This isn’t sexual abuse. This isn’t child molestation. I’m not a danger to the students,” Friedman explained to the Post, though it’s unclear whether anyone actually asked about that.

He’s been on administrative duty since March, which, to be fair is a huge step up from the infamous rubber rooms the public school system used to send its unwanted teachers to.

It’s unclear what the school has done with the 102 copies of Frankenstein—perhaps it could burn them too?