Say what you will about fraternities (there is a lot you could say), but never say they don't teach valuable emergency preparedness skills, like pissing on things.

A heater started an electrical fire last night in the Kappa Alpha attic at the University of Houston, and even a trash can full of bathroom water couldn't stop it. So one brave brother sprung into action and whipped out his hose. Surprisingly, his urine was unable to quell the flames, which were later extinguished by professional firefighters.

"We saw, like, a fire in the attic and stuff and like smoke was coming out. We were just like, 'What are we supposed to do with this fire?' and we all just took off," first reponder (urine division) Dylan Koops told KHOU, "I pissed on it, but nothing was working."

No one was hurt. but the house, ravaged by flames and an unknown amount of human urine, is closed for now.

[h/t Total Frat Move]