Johns Hopkins University's Sigma Alpha Epsilon chapter has been suspended for "underage drinking" in the wake of allegations that two men raped a 16-year-old girl at an off-campus SAE party this weekend. The girl, who was visiting her older sister, told cops the men assaulted her in the bathroom.

The Washington Post reports that the men "are not believed to be" associated with John Hopkins, and no arrests have been made so far in the case. Johns Hopkins suspended SAE for underage drinking and "other possible violations of university policy" while the investigation continues.

SAE headquarters has pretty much washed its hands of the incident, telling the Post that the SAE handbook does not recommend open parties. The handbook reads:

Although open parties may seem like fun, they pose a very significant exposure for potential problems. During an open party, it is difficult, if not impossible, to monitor who is entering and leaving the party. It is also difficult, if not impossible, to know what is going on throughout a location, chapter house or apartment when you have no idea who is there.

SAE spokesman Brian Weghorst also pointed out that the national fraternity doesn't own SAE's off campus house at Hopkins and doesn't "exercise any control" over it.

SAE headquarters is also currently "investigating" a rape claim at Emory University. Emory suspended all fraternity activity this weekend after a woman reported she was raped at SAE's Halloween party on Friday.

[Photo via JHU newsletter]