Fraternity pledges are often asked to give up everything for the sake of the brotherhood during initiation. At Syracuse University, that includes appendages. One Nu Alpha Phi pledge is currently in the hospital with frostbite, preparing to lose four of his fingers, because his bros allegedly made him do push-ups in the snow without gloves.

The Syracuse Post-Standard reports that two Nu Alpha Phi brothers were picked up by police yesterday and charged with misdemeanor first-degree hazing for forcing three pledges to do push-ups, sit-ups, and crawling exercises for 30 minutes in the snow without gloves. The brothers were reportedly punishing the pledges for "not doing their chores properly." Per the Post-Standard:

The victim said he went home [after the exercises] and ran his hands under warm water, but they still hurt. He went to Crouse Hospital the next day when the pain didn't stop. He was told he has severe frostbite and could lose four fingers—his ring and pinkie fingers on both hands.

Police say the two pledges who did not incur frostbite "refused to cooperate with the investigation." Clearly, the warmth of lifelong friendship sustains them.

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[Photo via Syracuse University]