Fuck What You Heard, This Alleged Teen Xanax Dealer's Mugshot Is Cute

If the explosion of attention around "hot mugshot guy" Jeremy Meeks earlier this year proved anything, it's that America is thirsty for sexy alleged criminals. It was only a matter of time before someone was anointed "cute mugshot girl," and 18-year-old Alysa Bathrick is your lucky winner.
According to booking documents posted on the Smoking Gun and Bathrick's own Twitter, the North Carolina teen was busted last month on charges of possession of a schedule IV controlled substance with intent to distribute.
When someone asked her why she was arrested, she quipped "xanax homie."
Bathrick spent four hours in jail that morning, but it was totally worth it for the internet fame. Horny dudes trying to get that followback have already described her as "the mugshot dime," "the future bae," and "wifey material," and she's retweeting all of them.
She hasn't said anything about upcoming court dates, but she was clear about a few things: Fuck what you heard, fuck the police, and her mugshot's cute.