The Fung Wah Bus, which once shuttled human cargo from New York to Boston for $15 each way and managed somehow to be every bit as reliable as the Greyhound (that is to say: utterly unreliable), will return in early 2015 after more than a year off the road, its attorney told Reason this week.

The Chinatown-to-South Station line was ordered off the road in early 2013 after a Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration inspection found fraudulent record-keeping, drivers who weren't drug-tested, and several buses with cracked frames. Attorney Alexander Linzer told DNAinfo that the company was "hopeful that they'll let us back on the road" back in October, and now it looks like their wishes have been granted.

Details about the return are relatively few, but according to Reason, FMCSA has restored the company's license, and getting back to business is now only a "a matter of logistics." Finally, that ticket booth on Canal won't look so sad and lonely anymore.

[Image via Jim Shank/Flickr]