Incest is pretty integral to the plot of Game of Thrones, but the brother-sister relations have always been fictional—a fact that's apparently a big disappointment for the producers of the show.

Lily Allen, whose brother Alfie plays Theon on the show, was doing an AMA today on Reddit when the topic of Game of Thrones came up.

Without spoiling too much, Alfie's character—like many an unfortunate Game Of Thrones sibling—ends up fondling his sister in one of the episodes.

But the awkward scene, it turns out, could have been exponentially more uncomfortable had the show's producers had their way.

Per Allen's AMA:

How did you feel when you told Alfie to get a job and he immediately went and got a job on the coolest show on tv??

Well, that was about a 5 year disparity between the two! But I've been asked to do a Game of Thrones cameo, they asked me if I'd be interested in playing Theon's sister, and I felt uncomfortable because I would have had to go on a horse and he would have touched me up and sh*t. Once they told me what was entailed, I said no thanks. I would be open to doing a musical cameo like Sigur Ros, though.

[h/t Uproxx, image via HBO]