Gavin McInnes, the co-founder of Vice magazine and current CCO of Rooster, an ad agency he founded in 2010, has been asked to take an "indefinite leave of absence" from Rooster after publishing an article titled "Transphobia Is Perfectly Natural" on white supremacist publication Thought Catalog.

Adweek reports that the article, which is not worth reading, sparked an outcry encouraging clients of Rooster to stop associating with the company. In response, Rooster decided to remove McInnes from his position.

A representative for the company spoke with Adweek:

"Gavin's views are his own and do not represent those of the company or its members," said a Rooster representative. "We are extremely disappointed with his actions and have asked that he take a leave of absence while we determine the most appropriate course of action."

The original article, which was published on Tuesday, is now preceded by a disclaimer that allows readers to continue to the homepage as an alternative to McInnes's bigotry.

[Photo via Adweek]