George Clooney Joked About Ironing His Balls and Now It's a Real Thing

When life imitates Chappelle's Show you know it's high time we all took a serious step back.
It all started back in January, when George Clooney told Esquire's A.J. Jacobs that he has never had his eyes done, but did have the wrinkles removed from his balls.
"It's a new technique, many people in Hollywood have done it. It's called 'ball ironing,'" the actor is quoted as saying.

He was obviously poking fun at Hollywood's obsession with eternal youth, but one of Hollywood's go-to rejuvenators took the actor's comments at face value, and began offering the treatment at her Santa Monica spa.
Nurse Jamie, owner of Beauty Park Medical Spa and skincare snake oil salesperson to the stars, told The Daily Mail her new "Tighten the Tackle" procedure is the bee's balls.
"It involves using lasers to remove hair, erase wrinkles and correct discoloration on the scrotum," the surname-deficient RN said of the $575 treatment officially known as Male Laser Lift. "They thought the Brazilian bikini wax was crazy ten years ago and now it’s just part of the process . . the tide is turning - don't knock it until you try it."
And many apparently are, particularly before an awards ceremony when Nurse Jamie says she gets "inundated with requests."
Like beauty, so too will your ball ironing eventually fade. So Nurse Jamie recommends patients come in for a testicle touch-up once every four weeks.
Correction: A previous version of this article attributed Clooney's ball ironing joke to the Italian magazine Max.