George Zimmerman Arrested for Domestic Violence, Again

George Zimmerman, America's chosen mascot for the reasonable use of lethal force, was arrested in Florida late Friday night on suspicion of domestic violence and aggravated assault with a weapon, again. At a court hearing Saturday morning, a judge granted Zimmerman a $5,000 bond.
According to Don West, Zimmerman's attorney, his client threw a wine bottle during the incident.
Zimmerman is prohibited from contacting the victim, returning to her home or entering Volusia County. He must surrender all firearms by Tuesday and will also wear a GPS monitoring device.
After his acquittal for the murder of Trayvon Martin, Zimmerman was picked up by police for two different domestic incidents in 2013, the second reportedly involving a shotgun, but prosecuted for neither after his alleged victims declined to press charges.
More recently, in September a motorist claimed Zimmerman threatened to kill him, saying, "Do you know who I am?"
[Image via Seminole County Sheriff's Office]