Speaking to Geraldo Rivera on his WABC radio show this week, Donald Trump revealed that he and the mayor have not met in person, the New York Post reports. "Donald seemed perplexed by it, and not a little bit hurt," Rivera said.

Rivera apparently offered to introduce the two men, which would have been gracious if de Blasio ever appeared on Rivera's show, which he hasn't, because why would he. "He refuses to talk to me. We ask him every other week," Rivera said. "But if de Blasio did agree to come on the show, he’d be late anyway." Nice.

"Doesn’t that say a lot, that the mayor hasn’t met the biggest, most important developer in town?" Rivera said. Nope! Well, maybe, but Trump is not actually the biggest, most important developer in town—not even close.

"I think the big picture is, the mayor exists in his own little bubble," Rivera said. "He has to expand his world if he wants to represent the entire city." Hah, hmm, okay.

Photo via AP Images. Contact the author of this post: brendan.oconnor@gawker.com.