Clay Aiken is a bored, rich person so he might as well consider running for office. That, according to the Washington Blade, is precisely an idea the 35-year-old singer has started to put in motion in recent months. From American Idol winner to... the gay Al Franken?

Per the report by Chris Johnson, Aiken — who was born in Raleigh – is considering running for a house seat in North Carolina's second congressional district. He has reportedly made "phone calls to gauge support," commissioned polling, and consulted with a number of "political operatives," including a veteran North Carolina advisor named Betsy Conti.

Of course, Aiken may decide that running to be a rookie representative isn't as nice of a life as being a moderately in-demand legacy entertainer. Alec Baldwin would probably agree with that assessment, though he might bristle at being compared to someone like Aiken.

But if Aiken does run, he might represent the perfect politician in a post-gay marriage America. For the Democrats, he's a charismatic entertainer who would be visible proof that gays can be parents, too. For Republicans, he would be an Acceptable Homo: a rural boy who even middle-aged evangelical Christian couples have fond memories of.

So maybe he would actually be John Edwards if both Ann Coulter and unions were right.

[image via Getty]