Girl Falls From Cliff While Telling Her Mom She's Afraid of Falling

Cherelle "Evie" LaGrou, 18, was telling her mother on the phone that she was worried about the uneven terrain she was hiking when she fell 30 feet on an Alaskan mountain. Her mother could hear her scream as she fell. LaGrou survived with just a few minor cuts and was later rescued by state troopers.
After falling, LaGrou told her mother, who was still on the phone, that she had fallen and that she couldn't climb back up. "She said she did not want to die," Shelly LaGrou, Cherelle's mother, told the Omak Chronicle.
Shelly LaGrou stayed with her daughter on the phone while her husband alerted state troopers, who rescued her in 45 minutes.
"It feels like it was something out of a movie," Cherelle LaGrou told the Associated Press. "It was all just so unreal that it was actually happening."
Indeed, her rescue did in fact turn into a mini-movie: a camera crew from the National Geographic Channel reality show Alaska State Troopers filmed the rescue for an episode that will air this fall.
[Image via AP]