This innocent, minute-long video of a young boy saying a few kind words about President Barack Obama while closing his eyes and clasping his hands would have gone wholly unnoticed — if not for the heaving mass of True Believers who see it as an absolute sign of an impending Apocalypse.

Uploaded on Sunday by the boy's mother, the video, entitled "Prayer for President Barack Obama," has since racked up nearly a quarter of a million views and thousands of dislikes, making it one of the most hated YouTube videos ever in record time.

Many religious viewers took specific issue with the phrasing of the prayer, saying it appeared as though little Stephen was praying to Obama, rather than for him.

"Praying TO Barack Obama? Wonder how the Lord God Almighty is taking that," said one commenter. "Idolatry," said another.

"What kind of a parent would allow their child to blaspheme God?" asked Fox News Radio's Todd Starnes.

In an article on its website, the Christian Post cited one irate individual as pinning the end of America on this one video.

"It's things like this that proves our nation is declined beyond repair," the unnamed person is quoted as saying. "That parents would even upload this demonstrates that today's society can't determine what is right or wrong anymore."

CP goes on to claim this video and others suggest "that African Americans view Obama as a higher being than a human."

Back on YouTube, user Barbara Morroe asks, "isn't this what the children in Germany did with Hitler?"

And we're done here.

[H/T: Viral Viral Videos]