GOP Committee Agrees: Obama Didn’t Fuck Up Benghazi

For the past two years, the GOP-controlled House Committee on Intelligence has investigated the Obama administration’s role in the security and intelligence failures which preceded the September 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya—a perpetual source of bizarre right-wing conspiracies. Today the results are in: Obama officials did nothing wrong.
A two-year investigation by the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee has found that the CIA and the military acted properly in responding to the 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, and asserted no wrongdoing by Obama administration appointees. Debunking a series of persistent allegations hinting at dark conspiracies, the investigation of the politically charged incident determined that there was no intelligence failure, no delay in sending a CIA rescue team, no missed opportunity for a military rescue, and no evidence the CIA was covertly shipping arms from Libya to Syria.
Which is another way of saying: There was no Benghazi scandal. There was no conspiracy. Nobody was hiding anything. Nobody told anyone to “stand down.”
Now, this might be news to a certain segment of the population, but as the AP’s Ken Dilanian notes, the investigation largely replicated the findings of six prior investigations carried out by Congress:
Many of its findings echo those of six previous investigations by various congressional committees and a State Department panel. The eighth Benghazi investigation is being carried out by a House Select Committee appointed in May.
Here’s hoping the eighth, or the ninth, or tenth investigation will finally uncover the truth.
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