Government Worker Suspended for Tweeting Amateur Porn Selfies at Job

The Swiss parliament has suspended a secretary whose nude selfies and amateur porn photos, sometimes posted from inside the Federal House in Berne, made her a national sensation. The anonymous woman, referred to in the Swiss media as A., had more than 11,700 Twitter followers before she deleted her account this week.
In a press release, the government confirmed that the woman was a staff member, and that she had been suspended. It's unclear at this point whether she's still being paid, or whether parliament services intends to fire her.

A.—or someone pretending to be her—restarted the Twitter account today under the name "Adeline Lafouine," and linked to a Twicsy page that still hosts several of her photos. A number of them match up to the collection of A.'s images published by Swiss site

There's also a since-deleted "Adeline Lafouine" Facebook profile, which used a photo matching the Twitter avatar from the Twicsy page, and listed "amateur pornstar" as an occupation.
La fouine, in French, means a weasel, and can be slang for a snoop, so it could be a real name, but might also be a clever porn alias.
The links that the new "Lafouine" has posted to Twitter all use an ad-based URL shortener, so all we know for sure about whoever's behind the account is that they're looking to make a quick buck using A.'s nude photos.
A. initially claimed she hadn't broken any rules because tweeting the photos was "part of her private life," but the Swiss Federal Personnel Office recommends employees only post images on the Internet "that you would at any time show your colleagues, employees or superiors."
When Swiss newspaper Neue Zuercher Zeitung asked her whether she was worried her coworkers might find her Twitter account, she said, "The issue is on my mind almost constantly."

Although NZZ reported A. posted nude photos "regularly," a spokesman said the government didn't know about her risqué side project until it became national news on Wednesday.