Disgraced former congressman Michael Grimm is leaving Staten Island for a little vacation up north, the New York Times reports. Grimm, whose lawyers requested no jail time in his tax evasion case, will have eight months to think about what he’s done.

Grimm previously pleaded guilty to federal tax evasion charges last December after prosecutors accused him of underreporting more than $1 million in wages and revenue at Healthalicious, a restaurant he co-owned in Manhattan. He also resigned from his Congressional seat, saying at the time, “It is time for me to start the next chapter of my life.”

That chapter will begin in jail, a federal judge decided Friday. Grimm’s attorneys argued that Grimm’s “public humiliation” and former life as a veteran and politician should afford him some leniency in the sentencing process. His crimes were “an abberation in an otherwise remarkable life in selfless service of his country,” they said, somewhat grandiosely.

The judge disagreed.

“That this type of crime is common does not lessen its significance,” the judge said. “Your moral compass, Mr. Grimm, needs some reorientation.”

On the bright side, teens do love a bad boy.

Contact the author at gabrielle@gawker.com.