A guidance counselor on her morning commute to work at a middle school was arrested by Florida state troopers after reportedly almost hitting another car, admitting to being on prescription drugs, and having a blood alcohol level that was more than twice the legal limit.

Florida Highway Patrol officers in Palm Beach County followed 46-year-old Angela Mazzocco for three miles and eventually pulled her over at 8:24 a.m. last Friday after she swerved repeatedly out of her lane, according to WPTV:

The vehicle, according to FHP, came within inches of striking another another vehicle and swerved off the road several times.

The driver, Angela Mazzocco, told investigators that she had taken Xanax and Lexapro at 7 a.m.

The blood alcohol test for Mazzocco was as high as .20, according to FHP.

The legal limit for blood alcohol in Florida is .08.

She told officers she was on her way to work.

The county school district confirmed that Mazzocco—pictured above in a county sheriff's mugshot—is an employee. Recent records list her as a guidance counselor at Polo Park Middle School. She was released from jail the same day she was arrested and has a court hearing on the DUI charge on June 9, the first Monday after the school year ends.

[h/t Craig Pittman]