A man in search of the ultimate meet-cute story has taken to Facebook in the hopes of finding a woman he met last New Year's Eve after they both got lost.

"I was just walking around and admiring the lights and found this girl just crying on the side of the road," Reese McKee, 25, of Wellington, told the New Zealand Herald. "I went and tried to help her out. She was lost. She'd lost all her friends."

Both Reese and his newfound friend were in Hong Kong to watch 2012 turn into 2013.

After he cheered her up with his "undeniably bad sense of humour," Reese and the woman went out drinking and eventually reconnected with her friends.

The party went on until 6 a.m., when Reese and his New Year's Eve parted ways.

Before disappearing into the dawn, however, she left Reese with her name (Katie), her hometown (Washington D.C.), her photo, and a simple request: "Find me."

He tried, but all his efforts were in vain. When he first turned to Facebook back in June, that too was a bust.

He decided to try again this week.

"I think this time of year people have hope for the magic (of Christmas)," Reese said.

With over 4,000 people joining the search, Reese hopes to accomplish his goal of reuniting with Katie just before midnight on New Year's Eve.

"While the main aim of this event has been to reconnect with the now infamous 'Katie', it's also about me, finding myself and who I know I can be," Reese writes in his latest Facebook status update.

I was hurt a long time ago. The hopeless romantic in me was locked away when he got hurt because it was too much. For too long, this has effected my relationships, and I've failed people.
Somewhere along the line my romantic soul went silent, and this is a step towards putting that right. [...]

I hope to find her. And along the way, find myself.

[photos via Facebook]