[There was a video here]

The other 2013 Elizabeth Taylor biopic aired on British TV last night. Burton & Taylor featured Dominic West and Helena Bonham Carter in the title roles, focused on the twice-divorced couple's reunion on Broadway in 1983's revival of Private Lives, and received generally positive, if unenthusiastic, reviews. That's way more than the widely mocked Lindsay Lohan vehicle, Liz & Dick, which aired earlier this year on Lifetime, could claim.

Though slightly sleepy, Burton & Taylor benefited from its singular time-period focus and excellent acting by its stars. Bonham Carter was particularly on point, like always (her scenes in The Lone Ranger were the only Lone Ranger scenes worth watching). She got Taylor's voice down, as well as her burgeoning crazy-old-lady eccentricity. She was able to disappear into the role, as opposed to Lohan who played Lohan playing Taylor.

In the scene above, Burton and Taylor workout together and we get to hear Bonham Carter remark, "I'm holding my bosom. It's bouncing up and down. Richard, I'm 40 years of age. They're 40 years of age. They've gained a certain elasticity." That's so Liz.