From the minds that brought you The Matrix Retold by Mom comes HELL NO: The world's first sensible horror movie in which the characters are all reasonable and rational and no one gets killed.

Tired of horror movie archetypes always going into wherever even though it's clearly certain doom, or splitting up when it makes much more sense to stick together, or shooting the killer once and hoping for the best? Then HELL NO is the Sensible Horror Movie for you.

Still scared that HELL NO will be just as reckless and irresponsible as all the other horror movies? Then check out this synopsis:

Imagine a realm where the most horrifying terrors of the underworld emerge to wreak bloody vengeance upon any who… hmm? what’s that? you wanna go literally anywhere else? yeah, good idea let’s get out of here.

"The story here might not actually make for much of a film, but it’s a great trailer." —Slashfilm.

[video via PixelPerSecond]