Peak startup:

HidrateMe is a “smart” water bottle that tells you how much water you’ve had and also glows when it is time for you to drink more water. No longer shall you be forced to constantly pass out from dehydration due to the fact that you didn’t know when it was time to drink water. Now, your plastic water bottle will glow for you. Alternately, you can look at your smart phone, which will clearly display statistics that show: you need to drink more water today.

As you can see in the inspirational video above, a whole gaggle of highly educated twentysomethings gave their all to bring this plastic water bottle with a computer chip to market. Why? Because it’s important. Because... excuse me... this is an emotional topic... I’m tearing up [sips water to rehydrate myself due to water loss from tear ducts]. As one of these bold inventors says in the video above as moving piano music plays in the background, “We quit our jobs, packed our bags, and left everything familiar behind to work on a product we believed in.” The product in question? HidrateMe (the water bottle).

You’re probably asking yourself: “Besides proudly displaying this water bottles that glows at intermittent intervals on my desk at work, how can I, an average human water drinker, become involved in this project?” The answer is that you can give your hard earned money to this thing on Kickstarter, where more than a thousand backers have given close to $80,000 that could have gone towards, I don’t know, providing clean water to poor villagers in developing countries, but which will instead be used to produce an electronic plastic water battle that tells “coders” when it’s time to sip their “Soylent” to remain hydrated in preparation for their “SoulCycle” class.

Well done.

Despite the fact that this is one of the greatest water-related inventions since the aqueduct, do not assume that the tech media is just going to lay back and fail to ask The Hard Questions. TechCrunch gets to the heart of the HidrateMe matter:

It might seem wrong to be urging people to drink more when there’s a serious drought in California, but that’s a whole discussion for another day about water usage and the farming industry. The fact is, water is an essential part of our daily lives, and we need it to maintain health and fitness.

Truly food—or should we say water—for thought!

[Death is inevitable]

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