Now that Carly Fiorina and Ted Cruz are totally best friends, they may have put whatever squabbles they had as competitors for the Republican presidential nomination behind them. But that doesn’t mean we can’t relive the best moments of their enmity, such as when Fiorina said “Ted Cruz cannot possibly beat Hillary Clinton” on Fox News.

Right Wing Watch points to the above clip of Megyn Kelly interviewing Fiorina about conservative radio host and Cruz supporter Steve Deace from December, five whole months before Cruz named the former HP executive as his pick for vice president. Previously, Deace had tweeted that Fiorina went “full vagina” during a debate, and Kelly asked for Fiorina’s thoughts about the sexist remark.

And you know what, it was a long time ago, some things were said, no need to make a big deal about it, everybody’s cool now. I guess if you must know how Fiorina responded, you can read the transcript:

I told my story, just like every other candidate has told their story. So it’s inexplicable to me why this major surrogate of Ted Cruz thought that was playing the “v card.”

But the more important point is this: This gentleman is more than a radio show talk host, he is a major surrogate for Ted Cruz and a major endorser. And this is why Ted Cruz cannot possibly beat Hillary Clinton.

Previously, Fiorina called it “odd” that Cruz didn’t renounce his Canadian citizenship until 2014, alleged that the candidate is “just like any other politician” and “says whatever he needs to say to get elected,” and said there was “no honor” in the Cruz-led government shutdown of 2013.

We wish the pair a long, happy, and successful partnership.