[There was a video here]

Earlier today, Lady Gaga graced the stage of Good Morning America to perform a Wizard of Oz-styled spin on "Applause," complete with several costume changes. (This era, she's really intent on wowing us with how many times she can change her costumes in one song, and I will admit that it is a nice distraction from the actual song.) During some down time, she supposedly talked to her attending "Little Monsters" about part-time rapper, full-time Twitter troll Azealia Banks. Banks was once rumored to appear on Gaga's upcoming ARTPOP album. Banks also recently attacked Gaga on Twitter for adopting and advocating a mermaid-inspired style, as Banks has also done. "Hey! No fair! You stole my mermaid style!" is an argument an actual 22-year-old woman made to another grown woman.

We don't hear the fame scholar/art artist say Banks' name in the video above, originally posted to the Instagram account of by Little Monster/diva enthusiast Dillon Jaden. (His Twitter bio reads: "Loved By Many, Hated By Many More, But Beyoncé Sang To Me. I Ain't Got No Worries.") The caption, however, identifies Gaga's subject as Banks, as does this tweet:

In the video, we hear Gaga say, "She's got a bad attitude," to a chorus of sycophantic agreement (Gaga loves her Monsters for loving her and they love her back for loving them for loving her). Gaga is telling us what we already know, and the best part of the video is the fans' comments that follow. "Gaga, we been knowing that, that's why we don't want her on there," is one. "She broke," is another.

Per the comments of the Instagram video above, Gaga specifically asked that her fans not film her. Haha, this will teach her to get close enough to stroke those who stroke her ego. (No it won't.)

Banks responded, of course, because if she stopped responding, she would no longer be heard and no longer exist. She, too, lives for the applause, it's just that her definition of it is less conventional than Gaga's.

Later, she tweeted this:

Everyone's doing such great work.

Update: After this post, the video was removed from Dillon Jaden's Instagram account, so we uploaded it.