Here's One Weird Trick to Make a Chicago Cop Feel Profoundly Uncomfortable

As hundreds of activists took to the streets of Chicago yesterday to protest the homicide of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald, one protestor took an usual but phenomenally effective route: He had a staring contest with a cop.
The clip was discussed by Fox News’ Megyn Kelly, who, in a tragic turn of events, completely missed the incredible gift lying before her.
“This is a cop out there accused of doing nothing wrong, trying to keep the peace. He gets right in his face and stares him down? This cop hasn’t done anything wrong,” Megyn argues as we watch a small part of the beautiful light inside the cop die forever.
“You think that’s fine? You have no problem with this? ...It’s not a question of what his constitutional rights are; it’s a question of what’s appropriate,” Megyn—an actual student of the constitution—blusters.
Her guest, Richard Fowler, counters with the hard facts: “I think what is inappropriate is that this prosecutor took 13 months to prosecute this individual when this police officer had 18 different complaints against from the city of Chicago,”
In response, the Woman Who Got It Wrong Except That One Time With Donald Trump mumbles something about no one blaming that cop. And all the while, a cop whose eyes have gone wide at the ripping of our social mores prays for an end that may never come—for the protestor—he stares on.