Hero Teen Gets the Girl AND a Week Off School With Fake Bomb Prom Invite

Washington State teen hero Ibrahim Ahmad got the girl plus a bonus paid vacation this week when he schemed up an idiot prom invite that centered around a fake bomb.
The 18-year-old wore a paintball vest, which held wires and paper tubes. The get-up, which he situated around his waist, was supposed to resemble an explosive device.
The senior also carried a sign, which read: “I kno it’s A little Late, But I’m kinda…THE BOMB! Rilea, Will U Be My Date To Prom?”
“I’m Middle Eastern, and I thought the bomb was kind of funny and clever,” he told the Columbian. “I wasn’t wearing the vest for more than, like, 20 seconds. I asked her, took a picture, took it off, and then the school got upset.”
Among those amused by the prom bomb was Rilea, who said yes. Not amused was Ahmad’s school, which banned him from prom and suspended him from school for a week.
“I want all my kids to feel safe and supported, but there’s a line,” school superintendant Michael Mansell tells the Columbian. “Given the way the world is today and school safety, even if one parent or one student was upset about this, it causes issues.”
Pretty sure this kid isn’t bothered in the slightest.