High School Senior Takes His Great-Grandmother to Her First Prom

At age 89, Delores Dennison finally got to go to a high school prom. She missed her own prom, back in the 1940s, because money was tight for her family at the time. But this year, her great-grandson, Austin, asked her to be his date.
"He said, 'Grandma, I want you to go to the prom with me,'" Dennison told the Van Wert (Ohio) Times Bulletin. "I had a bad heart attack and stroke. 'I'm not that good on my feet,' I told him."
But Austin, 19, was sincere about his request. He'd been inspired by a story from a government teacher whose brother had asked their own grandmother to prom. Dolores eventually said yes.
They went shopping for a prom dress and picked out the perfect purse to hold Delores's inhaler, and then, on the night of the dance, had Austin's dad drive them to Delores's favorite restaurant, Bob Evans.
At the dance, they promenaded onto the floor with the rest of the couples, Delores drawing some laughs by clearing away balloons with her cane. Although she didn't have the energy to dance much, she did get out on the floor for one special song: Frank Sinatra's "Dolores," which her late husband used to sing to her.
The other couples gave them a standing ovation.
"It was wonderful and I just loved all the girls in their fancy gowns and the gentlemen in their tuxedos. It was quite a night," Delores told Fox News. "Everyone there just could not have been more polite. Everyone got an A+."