Another high school teacher/coach got busted for allegedly Snapchatting pictures of his dick to a teenage girl. According to The Reporter outside Philadelphia, North Penn High School teacher and assistant water polo coach Todd Gibson, 29, admitted to detectives he sent a dick pic to a 17-year-old female student.

Gibson may have thought he was being sneaky using Snapchat to communicate with the girl, but according to cops, she took a screenshot of at least one of his pictures. Per The Reporter, their communications started out friendly in the beginning of summer 2013. Then Gibson began acting inappropriately, according to the girl:

The Snapchat communication ... progressed to Gibson asking the student what she was wearing, and asking her to come to his house ... and when the student told Gibson that he would get caught, he allegedly responded that "he did not care" ...

On Aug. 11 and Aug. 12 of 2013, police said, the student said that Gibson's Snapchat messages to her were "sexual in nature" and that the messages included pictures of him undressing and in various states of nudity before he sent her a photo of his genitalia.

North Penn administrators reported Gibson to the police at the beginning of this summer. (It's not clear when they discovered his indiscretions.) Cops got a search warrant for his Snapchats, and he was charged last week with first-degree misdemeanor corruption of minors and taken into custody.

[Photo via Shutterstock]